Tip "Click on an image if you want to see it in full"

Setting up clipping masks for a Batman vs Zombie piece I'm working on

Starting to add more detail to the Batman vs Zombie piece that I'm working on

Adding dimension to the zombies clothing and starting to rough in Batman's features

Not finished with Batman or the Zombie, still have a lot more details and finishing touches to add. I wanted to quickly add a background to help me get more of a feel for the piece.

This is a piece I done for an Internet IRL challenge. More information about this piece can be found on the Other -> Challenges tab

Frank Miller Batman digital painting Fourth attempt at Digital Painting

Frank Miller digital painting. Playing around with different backdrops

Frank Miller digital painting. Playing around with different backdrops

Batman the Dark Knight digital painting. Third Digital Painting Attempt

Batman the dark knight with city. Second Digital Painting Attempt

Xenomorph from the movie Alien lurking in the shadows. 1st Digital Painting Attempt